STAVE: The STAVE project aims to increase the active safety of road vehicles to reduce fatalities. STAVE project studies the global stability of the motion of road vehicles with a human or a non-human driver. The aim is to characterize the typical nonlinear behaviors of vehicle-and-driver subject to disturbances like evasive steering maneuvers, wind gust, pot-hole excitation and so on. The knowledge of such typical behaviours may enable in the future the derivation of proper control laws either for a vehicle with a human driver or for a vehicle without a human driver.
CROSS-STORM: CROSSwind stability of road vehicles under thunderSTORMs.
JRC: The Sustainable Transport Unit of the Directorate for Energy, Transport and Climate is involved in research activities supporting the development, implementation and monitoring of the legislation concerning the type approval of vehicles at European level as well as at United Nation level. In particular, the JRC is supporting the development of the legislation for the type approval of new advanced vehicles featuring either active safety systems or autonomous driving capabilities.
Green Co-Driver: The main goal of the Green Co-Driver project is to improve the energy efficiency of Connected and Autonomous Road Vehicles in ways that are highly acceptable to humans. This is achieved by integrating a green driving function and an interactive self-driving agent into a novel Green Interactive Self-Driving System (Green Co-Driver), which promotes energy efficiency, respects drivers’ preferences, and ensures safety.
HL4IT: HL4IT aims at the deployment of automated mobility in Italy. Level 4 (L4 -High Driving Automation) automated vehicles are considered. It aims at serving the scientific community and Regulatory Bodies with innovative psychophysiological characterization of drivers considering both the L4 vehicle and a specific environment such as the Italian one to deploy automated mobility.
AI@EDGE: The project aims to virtually validate the behavior of cooperative connected and automated vehicles. The general aim of the project is to develop advanced technologies for 5G networks. The focus is on how such networks can be improved by using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and edge computing.
Non-Funded Projects
Highway Test
- Research carried out in cooperation with Politecnico di Milano,Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele and VI-Grade
- 30 non professional drivers (volunteers) characterised through questionnaires
- Driving on a highway for approximately 10 km; long periods of ordinary driving with some events like road works, sudden traffic jam…
- Monitoring driver physiological reactions (heart rate, skin conductivity), driving commands
- Evaluation of immersivity and realism of the experience through questionnaires

Controlling a van hit by side-wind
- Analyze driver’s response to side wind when exiting a tunnel
- Aerodynamic forces applied on the Van obtained from wind tunnel tests
- Data collected with 28 drivers with different driving experiences

NVH Optimization
- Reproduce the accurate vibration response on the simulator
- Hexalift platform provides low-frequency vibration, 8 on-board actuators compensate for the high-frequency part
- Optimize subsystems of the vehicle
- Conduct subjective/objective evaluation on the simulator