Interaction of Humans with Level 4 automated vehicles in an Italian environment

Interaction of Humans with Level 4 automated vehicles in an Italian environment (HL4IT) is one of the Mechanical Engineering Department of Politecnico di Milano projects winner of the PRIN 2022 call.

HL4IT aims at the deployment of automated mobility in Italy. Level 4 (L4 -High Driving Automation) automated vehicles are considered.

HL4IT aims at serving the scientific community and Regulatory Bodies with innovative psychophysiological characterization of drivers considering both the L4 vehicle and a specific environment such as the Italian one to deploy automated mobility.

In order to achieve the above objectives, the following activities should be completed: analysis/execution of tests with at least 30 participants by means of the DriSMi driving simulator, an innovative cable-driven DiM400 dynamic Driving Simulator installed at the Bovisa site of the Politecnico di Milano.

Tests benefit by a wide range of sensors available at driving simulator, including Eye Tracking, Electroencephalography, Electromyography, Electrocardiogram, Skin Conductance and a unique Instrumented Steering Wheel. The selection of ODDs (Operational Design Domains) in typical Italian environments allows the introduction of the effect of disturbance during the takeover (handover) maneuvers. All the tests are performed at the DriSMi driving simulator for evaluating the subject acceptance, cognitive workload, attention, maneuver efficiency after handover/takeover.

The main results focus on the characterization of drivers in terms of psychophysiological driving attitude. This allows for a better understanding of the prediction of how subjects interact with L4 vehicles during handover/takeover maneuvers in an Italian environment. Moreover, the definition of KPIs for handover/takeover maneuvers, the identification of three typical Italian scenarios and related ODDs and the implementation of L4 vehicle controls suited for Italian environment, the identification of specific driving simulator test procedures for deploying automated mobility are performed. Guidelines for the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure & Mobility to deploy automated mobility are formulated.

The project is coordinated by the Mechanical Engineering Department (DMEC), Prof. M. Gobbi. Politecnico di Milano WP leaders are Prof. M. Gobbi (DMEC), Prof. G. Mastinu (DMEC) and Prof. M.G. Signorini (DEIB), Libera Università “Vita Salute S. Raffaele” Research Unit is coordinated by Prof. A. Fossati.

The research Teams is composed by M. Gobbi, G. Mastinu, G. Previati, E. Sabbioni, Research Fellow (DMEC), M.G. Signorini, Research Fellow (DEIB), A. Fossati, A. Somma, A. Galbiati, Research Fellow (“Vita Salute S. Raffaele”).

The project HL4IT has been funded by EU, NextGenerationEU, M4C2I1.1, Project PRIN 2022 “HL4IT”, Prot. 2022L3M25K, CUP D53D23003750006. Partners involved: Politecnico di Milano, Libera Università “Vita Salute S. Raffaele”.


Boscaro, L., De Guglielmo, V., Fossati, A., Galbiati, A., Gobbi, M., Mastinu, G., Previati, G., Sabbioni, E., Signorini, M. G., Somma, A., Subitoni, L., & Uccello, L., Interaction of Humans with automated vehicles during a takeover situation. In: Mastinu, G., Braghin, F., Cheli, F., Corno, M., Savaresi, S.M. (eds) 16th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control. AVEC 2024. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-70392-8_130.

Boscaro, L., Fossati, A., De Guglielmo, V., Galbiati, A., Gobbi, M., Mastinu, G., Previati , G., Sabbioni, E., Signorini, M. G., Somma, A., Subitoni, L., & Uccello, L., Exploring Human-Machine Interaction in Level 4 AVS: A Study on Take-Over Maneuver in a Roundabout Scenario. Proceedings of the ASME 2024 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering ConferenceVolume 1: 26th International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Technologies (AVT). Washington, DC, USA. August 25–28, 2024. ASME.

Boscaro, L., De Guglielmo, V., Fossati, A., Galbiati, A., Gobbi, M., Mastinu, G., Previati, G., Sabbioni, E., Signorini, M. G., Somma A., Subitoni, L., & Uccello, L., Interaction between L4 AVs and human drivers in a take-over scenario. Poster in Proceedings of the 23rd Driving Simulation & Virtual Reality Conference & Exhibition, Strasbourg, France, 18-20 September 2024.

Mastinu, G., Previati, G., Della Rossa, F., Gobbi, M., & Fainello, M., How Drivers Lose Control of the Car. SAE Int. J. Veh. Dyn., Stab., and NVH 8(1):99-121, 2024, https://doi.org/10.4271/10-08-01-0007