- Xue, H., Ballo, F., Previati, G., & Gobbi, M., Eco-driving of Electric Vehicles- Objective and Subjective Evaluation of Passenger Comfort by a Dynamic Driving Simulator. in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. doi: 10.1109/TVT.2024.3461166.
- Previati, G., Mastinu, G., & Gobbi, M., Driver-Steering Wheel Interaction during Cornering. SAE Int. J. Veh. Dyn., Stab., and NVH 8(3):427-442, 2024,
- Melzi, S., & Previati, G., Driving simulator: Analysing the impact of mechanical latency on the perception of lateral dynamics. Journal of Vibration and Control. 2024;0(0). doi:10.1177/10775463241246906.
- Mastinu, G., Previati, G., Della Rossa, F., Gobbi, M., & Fainello, M., How Drivers Lose Control of the Car. SAE Int. J. Veh. Dyn., Stab., and NVH 8(1):99-121, 2024,
- Cioffi, A., Prakash, A. R., Vignati, M., & Sabbioni, E., Driver model characterisation at tunnel exit with crosswind using a dynamic driving simulator. International journal of heavy vehicle systems IJHVS,
- Ferrarotti, L., Luca, M., Santin, G., Previati, G., Mastinu, G., Gobbi, M., Campi, E., Uccello, L., Albanese, A., Zalaya, P., Roccasalva, A., & Lepri, B., Autonomous and Human-Driven Vehicles Interacting in a Roundabout: A Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation. IEEE Access,
- Musso, E., Previati, G., & Mastinu, G., Analytical and Experimental Handling Performance of Ultra-Efficient Lightweight Vehicles. SAE Int. J. Adv. & Curr. Prac. in Mobility 6(4):2049-2058, 2024,
- Xue, H., Previati, G., Gobbi, M., & Mastinu, G., Research and Development on Noise, Vibration, and Harshness of Road Vehicles Using Driving Simulators – A Review. SAE Int. J. Veh. Dyn., Stab., and NVH 7(4):2023, doi:10.4271/10-07-04-0035.
- Campi, E., Mastinu, G., Previati, G., Studer, L., & Uccello, L., Roundabouts: Traffic Simulations of Connected and Automated Vehicles – A State of the Art. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023.
- Paparusso, L., Melzi, S., & Braghin, F., Real-time forecasting of driver-vehicle dynamics on 3D roads: A deep-learning framework leveraging Bayesian optimisation. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2023, 156: 104329.
- Mastinu, G., & Gobbi, M., Force sensors for active safety, stability enhancement and lightweight construction of road vehicles. Vehicle System Dynamics, 2023, 61.9: 2165-2233.
- Mastinu, G., Della Rossa, F., Previati, G., Gobbi, M., & Fainello, M., Global stability of road vehicle motion with driver control. Nonlinear Dynamics 111, 18043–18059 (2023).
- Cioffi, A., Prakash, A.R., Sabbioni, E., Vignati, M., & Cheli, F., Heavy-Vehicle Response to Crosswind: Evaluation of Driver Reactions Using a Dynamic Driving Simulator. Vehicles. 2023; 5(1):344-366.
- Stabile, P., Ballo, F., Previati, G., Mastinu, G., & Gobbi, M., Eco-Driving Strategy Implementation for Ultra-Efficient Lightweight Electric Vehicles in Realistic Driving Scenarios. Energies. 16. 1394. 10.3390/en16031394.
Conference Proceedings
- Gobbi, M., Boscaro, L., De Guglielmo, V., Fossati, A., Galbiati, A., Mastinu, L., Ponti, M., Mastinu, G., Previati, G., Sabbioni, E., Signorini, M.G., Somma, A., Subitoni, L., & Uccello, L., Objective and subjective evaluation of the interaction of automated vehicles and human drivers in take-over scenarios. SAE Technical Paper 2025-01-8048, 2025.
- Uccello, L., Nobili, A., Pasina, L., Novella, A., Elli, C., & Mastinu, G., Driving Under the Influence: A Review of Fitness to Drive, Drug-Induced Impairments, and Simulation Testing. SAE Technical Paper 2025-01-8666, 2025.
- Giacintucci, S., Della Rossa, F., Mastinu, G., Previati, G., & Gobbi, G., Time Delay Effects on Vehicle-And-Driver Stability. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2024, 58.27: 73-77.
- Montini, E., Salierno, M., Frigerio, S., & Melzi, S., Assessment of a hydroplaning ADAS through a dynamic driving simulator. In Proceedings of the 23rd Driving Simulation & Virtual Reality Conference & Exhibition, Strasbourg, France, 18-20 September 2024. Link.
- Della Rossa, F., Gobbi, M., Mastinu, G., Milivinti, M., & Previati, G., Vehicle-and-driver stability analysis by a simple model and by a dynamic driving simulator. In Proceedings of the 23rd Driving Simulation & Virtual Reality Conference & Exhibition, Strasbourg, France, 18-20 September 2024. Link.
- Boscaro, L., De Guglielmo, V., Fossati, A., Galbiati, A., Gobbi, M., Mastinu, G., Previati, G., Sabbioni, E., Signorini, M. G., Somma, A., Subitoni, L., & Uccello, L., Interaction of Humans with automated vehicles during a takeover situation. In: Mastinu, G., Braghin, F., Cheli, F., Corno, M., Savaresi, S.M. (eds) 16th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control. AVEC 2024. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham.
- Montini, E., Salierno, M., Frigerio, M., & Melzi, S., Development and experimental assessment of a control logic for hydroplaning prevention. In: Mastinu, G., Braghin, F., Cheli, F., Corno, M., Savaresi, S.M. (eds) 16th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control. AVEC 2024. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham.
- Boscaro, L., Fossati, A., De Guglielmo, V., Galbiati, A., Gobbi, M., Mastinu, G., Previati , G., Sabbioni, E., Signorini, M. G., Somma, A., Subitoni, L., & Uccello, L., Exploring Human-Machine Interaction in Level 4 AVS: A Study on Take-Over Maneuver in a Roundabout Scenario. In: International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2024. p. V001T01A019.
- Cheli, F., Gobbi, M., Mastinu, G., Melzi, S., Previati, G., Sabbioni, E., Cappiello, A. & Luè, A., A new generation Cable-driven Dynamic Driving Simulator for the Assessment of CCAM Deployment. In Proceedings of the 10th Transport Research Arena (TRA), 15-18 April 2024, Dublin
- Previati, G., Uccello, L., Mastinu, G., Gobbi, M., Albanese, A., Roccasalva, A., Santin, G., Luca, M., Lepri, B., Ferrarotti, L., & di Pietro, N., Cooperative Connected and Automated Mobility in a Roundabout. SAE Technical Paper 2024-01-2002.
- Mastinu, G., Previati, G., & Campi, E., Cooperative, connected and automated vehicles into a roundabout. In Proceedings of the FISITA World Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 12-15 September 2023.
- Previati, G., Mastinu, G., Campi, E., & Gobbi, M., Traffic simulation with human in the loop: roundabout scenario with reinforcement learning, edge computing and 5G connection. In Proceedings of the 22nd Driving Simulation & Virtual Reality Conference & Exhibition, Antibes, France, 6-8 September 2023. Link.
- Cioffi, A., Testori, A., & Melzi, S., On the visual search of human, drivers: an eye-tracker based study at a driving simulator. In Proceedings of the 22nd Driving Simulation & Virtual Reality Conference & Exhibition, Antibes, France, 6-8 September 2023. Link.
- Gobbi, M., Mastinu, G., Milivinti, M., & Rios Hidalgo, D., Human-vehicle steering interaction during a transient maneuver. In Proceedings of the 22nd Driving Simulation & Virtual Reality Conference & Exhibition, Antibes, France, 6-8 September 2023. Link
- Asperti, M., Francesconi, A., & Sabbioni, E., Development and Testing of an Adaptive Cruise Control System Using a Dynamic Driving Simulator with Multi-Drivers. In Proceedings of the 22nd Driving Simulation & Virtual Reality Conference & Exhibition, Antibes, France, 6-8 September 2023.
- Asperti, M., Francesconi, A., & Sabbioni, E., Acceptance Assessment of an Adaptive Cruise Control System Using a Multi-Driver Dynamic Driving Simulator. In: Huang, W., Ahmadian, M. (eds) Advances in Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks III. IAVSD 2023. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham.
- Previati, G., Mastinu, G., Campi, E., Gobbi, M., Uccello, L., Varela Daniel, A., Albanese, A., Roccasalva, A., Santin, G., Luca, M., Lepri, B., Ferrarotti, L., & di Pietro, N., Roundabout Traffic: Simulation with Automated Vehicles, AI, 5G, EDGE Computing and Human in the Loop. Proceedings of the ASME 2023 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Volume 1: 25th International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Technologies (AVT). Boston, Massachusetts, USA. August 20–23, 2023. V001T01A016. ASME.
- Gobbi, M., Mastinu, G., Milivinti, M., & Rios Hidalgo, D., Study on Driver’s Preview Distance Based on Driving Simulator Tests. Proceedings of the ASME 2023 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. 25th International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Technologies (AVT). Boston, Massachusetts, USA. August 20–23, 2023. V001T01A004. ASME.
- Musso, E., Previati, G., & Mastinu, G., Analytical and Experimental Handling Performance of Ultra-Efficient Lightweight Vehicles. SAE Technical Paper 2023-24-0135, 2023.
- Previati, G., & Mastinu, G., SUMO Roundabout Simulation with Human in the Loop. In Proceedings of the SUMO User Conference 2023, Berlin-Adlershof, Germany, 02-04 May 2023.
- Cheli, F., Cioffi, A., Melzi, S., Sabbioni, E., & Vignati, M., Uso di un simulatore di guida dinamico per valutare le reazioni del conducente in risposta a raffiche di vento laterale. Quaderno del Comitato Nazionale su Politiche e Programmi sulla sicurezza stradale. 2022. ISBN: 979-12-5505-142. Link.
- Previati, G., Mastinu, G., & Gobbi, M., Influence of the Inertia Parameters on a Dynamic Driving Simulator Performances. In Proceedings of the 81st Annual Conference on Mass Properties, Savannah, GA, USA, 21–25 May 2022; Society of Allied Weight Engineers, Inc.: Savannah, GA, USA, 2022; p. 14. ISBN 978-171386092-1.
- Asperti M., Sabbioni E., & Vignati M., Driver-in-the-Loop simulation to assess steering torque feeling due to torque vectoring control. 2022 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), 2022, pp. 1-6, 10.1109/VPPC55846.2022.10003336.
- Prakash, A. R., Cioffi, A., Sabbioni, E., Vignati, M., & Schito, P., An analysis of truck-driver system response to crosswind in tunnel exit conditions. In: Schito, P., Zasso, A. (eds) Proceedings of the XVII Conference of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering. IN VENTO 2022. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 461. Springer, Cham.
- Prakash, A. R., Cioffi, A., Sabbioni, E., Vignati, M., & Melzi, S., Characterization of truck-driver system response to crosswind in tunnel exit conditions. 15th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control AVEC 2022.
- Gobbi, M., Mastinu, G., Melzi, S., Previati, G., Ronconi, L., & Sabbioni, E., A Driving Simulator for UN157 homologation activities. Proceedings of the ASME 2022 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Volume 1: 24th International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Technologies (AVT). St. Louis, Missouri, USA. August 14–17, 2022. V001T01A011. ASME.
- Asperti, M., Vignati, M., Sabbioni, E., & Melzi, S., Driver Steering Torque Feeling due to Torque Vectoring Control. Electrification & All-Wheel Drive Congress EAWD 2022.
- Minen, D., Bonitz, T., & Mastinu, G. Brake feeling on a driving simulator. Proceedings of Chassis.Tech Plus 2022, Munich, Germany (2022).
- Cheli, F., Gobbi, M., Melzi, S., Previati, G., Sabbioni, E., Somma, A., Del Linz, L., & Minen, D., Subjective/objective assessment of a cable-driven simulator immersivity and realism. In: Pfeffer, P. (eds) 13th International Munich Chassis Symposium 2022. IMCS 2022. Proceedings. Springer Vieweg, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Cheli, F., Fossati, A., & Mastinu, G. Enhanced Immersive Reality through Cable-driven Simulators. ATZ Worldw 123, 58–61 (2021).
- Semeraro, F. F., Cioffi, A., Schito, P., Vignati, M., & Melzi, S., A fully-automated and coupled CFD-driving simulator procedure for vehicle aerodynamic design. In Fourth international conference in numerical and experimental aerodynamics of road vehicles and trains (Aerovehicles 4) (pp. 126-129).
- Boscaro, L., De Guglielmo, V., Fossati, A., Galbiati, A., Gobbi, M., Mastinu, G., Previati, G., Sabbioni, E., Signorini, M. G., Somma A., Subitoni, L., & Uccello, L., Interaction between L4 AVs and human drivers in a take-over scenario. In Proceedings of the 23rd Driving Simulation & Virtual Reality Conference & Exhibition, Strasbourg, France, 18-20 September 2024.
- Asperti, M., Sabbioni, E., & Vignati, M., Subjectiove-Objective Assessment of Different Torque Vectoring Control Strategies. Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control AVEC 2024, Milano, Italy. September 2-6, 2024.
- Cioffi, A., Testori, A., & Melzi, S., On the visual search of human, drivers: an eye-tracker based study at a driving simulator. In Proceedings of the 22nd Driving Simulation & Virtual Reality Conference & Exhibition, Antibes, France, 6-8 September 2023. Link.
Oral Presentations
- Campi, E., Mastinu, G., & Gobbi, M., CCAM – managing the traffic into a roundabout. In 2023 Earpa FORM Forum 2023 – Future of Road Mobility, Brussels, Belgium, 17-18 October 2023.
- Sbrosi, M., & Melzi, S., Soft handling evaluation through dynamic simulator. In 2023 EMEA ZERO PROTOTYPES Summit, Tavagnacco, Italy, 24-25 May 2023.