Master Degree Theses
- Mattia, Alessandra “Driver distraction analysis employing a dynamic driving simulator”. Advisors Prof. Mastinu & Eng. Uccello.
- Vitale, Gabriele & Fornasari, Riccardo “Development and Validation of a Multibody Model of an Electric Light Quadricycle”. Advisors Proff. Mastinu & Previati.
- Tabarelli, Marco “Objective and subjective replication of brake pedal feel at a driving simulator“. Advisors Proff. Vignati, Cheli & Eng. Asperti.
- Primi, Umberto “Numerical analysis of cross-wind induced loads on a heavy vehicle and their influence on driver response by means of dynamic driving simulator“. Advisors Proff. Schito & Vignati.
- Cattaneo, Paolo “Investigation of human response to the takeover request using a dynamic driving simulator“. Advisors Proff. Previati & Gobbi.
- Manco, Edoardo “Monocular depth estimation in a simulated driving environment“. Advisors Prof. Sabbioni & Eng. Prakash.
- De Guglielmo, Veronica “Autonomous vehicle management in a roundabout scenario“. Advisors Proff. Gobbi, Previati & Eng. Uccello.
- Ronco, Matteo & Parente, Marco “Effect of a rigid-ring tyre model on the subjective evaluation of ride comfort through a driving simulator”. Advisors Prof. Melzi & Eng. Sbrosi.
- Mengucci, Giulia “Set-up of an experimental protocol to analyse physiological signals during autonomous driving in a dynamic driving simulator“. Advisors Proff. Galli, Tomasini & Eng. Cioffi.
- Frigerio, Stefano & Salierno, Marco “Development and experimental assessment of a control logic for hydroplaning prevention, based on a novel tyre model“. Advisors Prof. Melzi & Eng. Montini.
- Testori, Alessandro “Characterization of the driver’s visual perception through driving simulator tests“. Advisors Prof. Melzi & Eng. Cioffi.
- Milivinti, Massimiliano & Ríos Hidalgo, Daniel “Driving-simulator-based method for the analysis of the human-vehicle steering interaction during a transient maneuver“. Advisors Proff. Gobbi & Previati.
- Varela Daniel, Àlvaro “Co-simulation environment to assess human perception of Cooperative Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: calibration of the microscopic traffic simulation“. Advisor Prof. Mastinu.
- Uccello, Lorenzo “Model of autonomous driving in a roundabout scenario“. Advisors Proff. Mastinu & Previati.
- Colombo, Christian “Analysing soft handling with a dynamic driving simulator: a case study“. Advisors Prof. Sabbioni & Eng. Sbrosi.
- Sironi, Elena “Vehicle-Driver interaction in a roundabout maneuver for connected and automated running vehicles”. Advisor Prof. Mastinu.
- Francesconi, Alessandro “Design and Validation of an Adaptive Cruise Control Strategy Using a Driving Simulator“. Advisors Prof. Sabbioni & Eng. Asperti.
- Levantaci, Mattia “Modelling and Validation of an Adaptive Cruise Control using a high fidelity Dynamic Driving Simulator“. Advisors Prof. Sabbioni & Eng. Vignati.
- Bertolotti, Mirko & Turani, Andrea “Optimization of cueing algorithm parameters for a DiM400 dynamic driving simulator“. Advisors Proff. Melzi & Sabbioni.
- Raghu Prakash, Anirudh “Evaluation of heavy-vehicle driver response to cross-wind using a dynamic driving simulator“. Advisors Prof. Sabbioni & Eng. Cioffi.
- Musso, Emanuele “Active and passive safety of quadricycles“. Advisors Proff. Mastinu, Belingardi & Previati.
- Pellegrino, Emanuele “Numerical analysis of wind-break fences for road vehicle stability in crosswind“. Advisors Prof. Schito & Eng. Vignati.
PhD Theses
- Cioffi, Antonio “An innovative human-like driver model“. Advisor Prof. Melzi.